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2023 - November and December - page 10

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Issue number 395
ISSN 2632-7171
Publication date 1st November 2023
Transcription magazine ARA News
Using the App at the Belfast 2023 conference
© Lost Lens Caps Photography
financial considerations and viability, the conference
committee do think that it would be worth investigating
the possibility of introducing bursary support for
speakers as well as delegates to encourage greater
diversity of access to the platform where financial
reasons might be a barrier. An online/hybrid conference
model from 2025 onwards might also help remove this
barrier to access.
Similar considerations were voiced concerning the social
events, but as the majority of respondents favoured
retaining both the opening reception and gala dinner the
status quo will prevail for this part of the conference.
We asked respondents if they had not attended in recent
years what the reasons were. As would be expected there
are almost as many reasons as respondents! However,
there are some common themes given:

Geography (often from international respondents)
Employer will not fund
Cover at the office unobtainable
Content not relevant to me
(e.g. ‘little on business archives’)
Some of these will be addressed by the proper
consideration of online access / a hybrid conference
There were 100 responses to this question (out of 150