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2023 - November and December - page 16

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Issue number 395
ISSN 2632-7171
Publication date 1st November 2023
Transcription magazine Feature
Can I speak to the
account holder? - LPAs,
Record Access and me
In this article, Elizabeth Thompson-MacRae, who is a Court
Archivist for the National Records of Scotland and ARA Board
Member, draws on her personal experience of Lasting Power
of Attorney to ask the question – what can the record-keeping
sector do to improve customer service experience?
’m an archivist, ARA Trustee, sibling and
daughter. I eat more cake than is good for
me and love watching back-to-back episodes
of Downton Abbey on repeat. I also hold a Power of
Attorney (PoA) for a loved one.
Depending on where you stay in the UK, you may know
this to be a Lasting Power of Attorney, Power of Attorney
or A Power of Attorney. These are broadly similar
pieces of legislation across England, Wales, Scotland
and Northern Ireland that, depending on the type of
agreement held, empowers a third party to make health,
welfare, property and financial decisions on your behalf,
should you become incapacitated (Office of the Public
Guardian 2023).
Since acting in the capacity of PoA I have come to
appreciate the unspoken difficulties of legally accessing
information to administer and advocate for the
needs of my relative. Unfortunately, since speaking to
others acting in a similar capacity my difficulties and
frustrations are far from unique.
Many who are in a similar situation will find the
following scenario a very familiar experience:
Hello, I would like to discuss the direct debit of Ms
Smith’s account, my name is Mr Smith and I am
registered as LPA for this account.
Call Handler:
Can I speak to the account holder?
I’m afraid not, but as a designated LPA I have the
authority to discuss Ms Smith’s account on her behalf.
If you check Ms Smith’s account you will note that a
verified LPA is held on the account.
Call Handler:
To deal with this, I will need to speak to the account
holder please….
Surely, as a society, this shouldn’t be an inevitable reality
that is simply accepted as ‘just one of those things’?
Why should the profession care and what role can we
The latest statistics from the ONS show that the
application of LPAs is on the rise. Driven by an
increasingly ageing population, LPAs are no longer a
niche piece of legislation that can be easily overlooked.
In an increasingly competitive environment, an
organisation’s reputation is one of its strongest assets.
A failure to recognise the impact of mishandling a LPA
request could be a sting in the tail for the unaware.
Aside from the unnecessary stress and frustration
caused by an ineptly handled LPA related request,
making information inaccessible for (often) vulnerable
Man working at his desk © In-press
photography for Centre for Ageing Better