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2023 - November and December - page 24

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Issue number 395
ISSN 2632-7171
Publication date 1st November 2023
Transcription magazine Feature
How can information managers
and governors benefit from
Microsoft Purview eDiscovery?
© Shutterstock
What are the role permissions within Microsoft
Purview eDiscovery?
• eDiscovery Manager – this role group allows its
members to create and manage eDiscovery cases, as
long as they have created the case or have been
added as members to the case.
• eDiscovery Administrator – is a role group which
allows full access to each and every eDiscovery case,
without necessarily being a member of said case.
• Reviewer – Reviewers can be assigned as members of
a case. They cannot create eDiscovery cases, run
content search or even preview results of the
search – they can only access and analyse the case
data in Advanced eDiscovery. This is the most
restrictive eDiscovery-related role, but without it,
users cannot access any part of eDiscovery at all.
What are cases in eDiscovery?
Case management is a feature in eDiscovery (Standard
and Premium) that controls who can create, access
and manage eDiscovery cases in your organisation.
One of the advantages of case management is making
regular searches a repeatable process for the members
of the organisation who need them once the necessary
permissions are applied.
What's the difference between Microsoft Purview
Content Search, eDiscovery (Standard) and
Microsoft Purview provides three eDiscovery solutions:
• Content search
• eDiscovery (Standard), and
• eDiscovery (Premium).
Content Search
eDiscovery (Standard)
eDiscovery (Premium)
Search for content
Search and export
Custodian management
Keyword queries and search conditions
Case management
Legal hold notifications
Export search results
Legal hold
Advanced indexing
Role-based permissions
Review set filtering
Predictive coding models
And more...