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2023 - November and December - page 30

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Issue number 395
ISSN 2632-7171
Publication date 1st November 2023
Transcription magazine Industry News
Business Archives Council
cataloguing grant 2023
The Business Archives Council
(BAC) is delighted to announce that
the winner of the 2023 cataloguing
grant for Business Archives is the
Hertfordshire Archives and Local
Studies (HALS) for cataloguing the
archives of The Addis Collection.
The family firm of Addis Ltd
relocated to Hertford from Hackney
in 1920, 140 years after William
Addis started making toothbrushes.
During the 73 years they were based
in Hertford, they became a market
leading manufacturer and seller of
toothbrushes and other brushes
in the UK and worldwide and later
diversified into housewares. The
records held at HALS, consisting
of over 150 boxes, were transferred
from the company following the
closure of the Hertford factory in
1993 and are currently only partially
listed. They contain a great deal of
material about the various activities
of the company while they were
active in Hertford including, most
notably, the advertising and social
history of the toothbrush.
As well as cataloguing the records
to a high standard and publishing
the catalogue on their website,
HALS is planning a programme of
public engagement and outreach
in partnership with relevant local
organisations and individuals.
Activities will focus on themes of
advertising history, technological
change, health and sustainability.
HALS will also be developing
workshops aimed at KS2 and KS3
students based on the Science, and
Art and Design Curriculum, which
will form part of their long term
education offer.
Hertfordshire County Council’s
Executive Member for Education,
Libraries & Lifelong Learning,
Caroline Clapper, said:
“We are delighted to receive this
funding and look forward to the
benefits it will bring to our local
community, including the events
and education activities that this
project will make possible.
Cataloguing these records will open
up previously unknown archives
that contain a rich resource for
social and business history. This is a
piece of Hertfordshire history that
everyone can relate to.”
The BAC has offered the annual
grant since 2010 and retains a
keen interest in the development
of the collections of previous
winners. Last year Arts University
Bournemouth (AUB) was awarded
the grant for the cataloguing of the
Thorp Modelmaking Archive. To
date approximately 40 percent of
the 30,000+ items in the collection
have been catalogued and these
records are now publicly available
through Discovery. The university
expects to have all documents
catalogued by January 2024. AUB
have also met their engagement
goals with a number of highly
successful public talks and visits
from specialist groups having taken
place throughout 2023.
A spokesperson for AUB said: “The
grant has made a tremendous
difference to us and accelerated
our aim of sharing this remarkable
collection with researchers and the
For more information about the
BAC cataloguing grant and a record
of past winners, please visit the BAC
James Mortlock
Grant Administrator,
Business Archives Council
Addis premises, 1973. © Copyright Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, Hertfordshire County Council